My new project - SceneVR

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My new project - SceneVR

Post by benn » Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:07 pm

Some of you might remember me from when I worked on Indigo (I'm still involved, just not coding any more, mostly just pestering Nick). I've been working on a browser-based virtual world called SceneVR.

It's a way of making virtual reality scenes using html and javascript, using a declarative markup that might look sort of familiar to people who have played with Indigos xml format, except Scene uses CSS to styles boxes (I know that's sort of weird, but it works).

I've made a couple of automatic converters that turn subreddits into virtual reality galleries. And it's multiplayer - so you can see (and talk to via voice chat) other people in the world.

It's been really helpful talking to Nick about all this stuff, he and I have been hacking on virtual reality stuff since forever, so he's had heaps of input. And the experience I had with blender while working on Indigo was really helpful, since I do all my modelling in sketchup + blender now.

Anyway - if anyone has any questions - hit me up - I'd be happy to show some of you how to put your content online via the web. Imagine sketchfab, except with first person controls so you can walk around your scenes with other people.

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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by snorky » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:27 am

beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen(n) great :idea: :mrgreen:

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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by suvakas » Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:04 am

Nice stuff, but haven't there been a lot of "3d inside the web-browser/html page" attempts already?
I remember a lot of similar projects being made. None of them have survived. What's so different about your project besides the Oculus support? Or is the Oculus the keyword here?


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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by benn » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:47 am

Hey Suvakas! The difference is that Scene has built-in multiplayer. Your create your scenes using some easy xml markup + javascript for interactivity, and then upload it to your server and it's multiplayer, you can see other people running around and you can talk to them. The scenes are linked together using portals, so that you can walk from one scene to another to another, the same way you explore the web with links.

There was something similair called cloudparty, but it got bought by yahoo and shut down.

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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by CTZn » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:45 pm

suvakas wrote:Nice stuff, but haven't there been a lot of "3d inside the web-browser/html page" attempts already?
That was twenty years ago, after the "cyber" hype had happened. Lawnmover Man (1992, youtube trailer) and stuff. These applications were mostly confidential and disapeared before MMORGs. Many 3D OS interfaces and browsers were also developed then. That being said of the top of my head !

Well Benn, a video might help distinguishing the specificities of your project !
TBH I've ceased all scripting activity after I gave up on my exporter. I'm working on zero computer related project :P
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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by benn » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:19 am

Hey Ctzn! Long time! I'm working on explaining Scene at the moment. I've also been working on some scenes that convert reddit galleries and comments into a 3d space that you can explore. A video is a good idea. :)

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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by benn » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:21 am

Some out put from the reddit converter, with the new sky shader and soft shadows.

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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by ak-sam » Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:52 pm

Hmm that does sound very cool - I've been using sketchfab a fair bit lately, its very handy.

My model in a nice skydome, in a browser, would be very cool.

Could it have a measuring and markup tool?
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Re: My new project - SceneVR

Post by benn » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:37 pm

Sketchfab is great, I'd like to do something like that, but with a physics model and first person controls. What would the measuring and markup tool do?

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