It's a way of making virtual reality scenes using html and javascript, using a declarative markup that might look sort of familiar to people who have played with Indigos xml format, except Scene uses CSS to styles boxes (I know that's sort of weird, but it works).
I've made a couple of automatic converters that turn subreddits into virtual reality galleries. And it's multiplayer - so you can see (and talk to via voice chat) other people in the world.
It's been really helpful talking to Nick about all this stuff, he and I have been hacking on virtual reality stuff since forever, so he's had heaps of input. And the experience I had with blender while working on Indigo was really helpful, since I do all my modelling in sketchup + blender now.
Anyway - if anyone has any questions - hit me up - I'd be happy to show some of you how to put your content online via the web. Imagine sketchfab, except with first person controls so you can walk around your scenes with other people.