Indigo for Revit Beta 4 Released with Revit 2011 Support

Indigo for Revit Beta 4 Released with Revit 2011 Support

Written Friday 1 Oct

We are proud to announce the release of Indigo for Revit Beta 4. It now supports Revit 2011 and has many Improvements over the last release, such as:

- Added support for Revit 2011
- Fixed problem where no 3d Views where found in non English versions
- Added support for environment maps
- Fixed UV export
- I4R can now get the sun position from Revit (2011 only)
- Added support for arch glass acceleration
- I4R dialogs can now be closed by pressing ESC (cancels, changes wont be saved)
- I4R dialogs are displayed in the screen center
- Fixed issue where material browser would continue to Query materials after close
- Added material inspector
- Improved mesh export
- Optimised render settings
- Colour filter in lightsources now supported
- Fixed reflectivity slider
- Fixed issue where Topology Suface wouldnt have any texture coordinates
- Roughness material parameter behaviour improved
- Better error dialogs

You can download the Indigo for Revit installer packages from here:

It is also required that you update your Indigo installation to Indigo 2.6.1, which you can get from here: