Search found 749 matches

Search found 749 matches
by afecelis
Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:46 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Raycasting by Intel
Replies: 5
Views: 11749

Re: Raycasting by Intel

This is very interesting, thanks for sharing. If all those renderers are CPU-only, why is there still a tendency to develop GPU renderers? After all these years, and SDKs like CUDA being mature enough, shouldn't GPU renderers make a difference? What about hybrid renderers? I like the fact of CPU ren...
by afecelis
Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:34 am
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: Running Indigo on 2 machines non-simultaneously
Replies: 2
Views: 3671

Running Indigo on 2 machines non-simultaneously

Hi guys, This would be a request, a simple one. As with many other programs that need online authorization/verification, Indigo should be allowed to be run/authorized on up to 2 machines used non simultaneously. People usually have a desktop and a laptop machine or a home and an office environment t...
by afecelis
Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:04 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

You sure did! :D Yup, Alvaro is my name, you remembered it perfectly! Thanks a lot for the comments and all the feedback. I feel honored to get such criticism from someone with your experience. And yup, you're right in all of your observations, I shall put them into practice ;) About the wood textur...
by afecelis
Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:54 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

Thank you Zeitmeister! :D :D :D

I'm "getting there" with the help of all of you guys :D
by afecelis
Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:38 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

OK, here's some progress, but first I want to thank you all for all the tips and recommendations. Changes: -Added the ies lights (though the spots are barely visible on the floor) -Added the desk lamp in the reference -Added the bonsai in the reference And I tried some color grading following Oscar'...
by afecelis
Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:34 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

I had totally forgotten about that option!!!!!! yesssssss! I'm going to try that out.
A million thanks!

I'll post my progress soon.
by afecelis
Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:00 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

Fantastic! Thanks a lot for your time and dedication to share knowledge. It's great to hear you still use blender, I started this image on this thread: Vasco gave some ideas on how to implement ies lighting with the mesh emitters but I ha...
by afecelis
Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:31 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

woooohooooo! thanks a lot for the links Oscar J! :D I'm gonna read them right away.
Here's a version with the agfapan 400, I just had to decrease the red channel a bit in postpro.

Thanks for commenting and for all the help.

Question: Oscar, what modeling application do you use?
by afecelis
Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:58 pm
Forum: Blender
Topic: Mapping beveled curves from sapling addon
Replies: 3
Views: 15617

Re: Mapping beveled curves from sapling addon

I'm not familiar with the addon, but have you tried converting the curves to mesh (Alt+C) "mesh from curve" and once you got your branches as meshes unwrap/uvmap them?
by afecelis
Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:36 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

I'm using Agfacolor Ultra 050 CD, which indeed makes the image greener. I'm going to try the agfapan 400cd. What is the difference between the "cd" and the "scd" version (besides the "s" that is, lol!) ;) Where do you find info on which camera models are better for interior/exterior rendering? thank...
by afecelis
Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:45 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

Thanks for commenting Oscar :) Nope, It's camera tonemapping, Reinhard makes it too reddish, and yup, I'm trying to learn about better tonemapping but it's no easy task. ;) cheers! Alvaro Edit: I just played with the image a bit in PS and it shifts it a bit towards a violet tone when "white balancin...
by afecelis
Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:32 pm
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Simple Renderings Thread
Replies: 4420
Views: 2473679

Re: Simple Renderings Thread

Here's another one:

trying to replicate this scene: ... _ref01.jpg
by afecelis
Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:31 pm
Forum: Blender
Topic: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?
Replies: 5
Views: 17499

Re: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?

OK, here's some more progress: -I used the reference image in blender's viewport to improve the framing of the scene. -Checked up all proportions -Added the AC grate and the outlet. Pending: -Adding the bonsai -Adding the desk lamp -Getting ies lighting to work. I'm going to post it in the simple re...
by afecelis
Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:56 am
Forum: Blender
Topic: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?
Replies: 5
Views: 17499

Re: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?

@Vasco: could you please share your blend file (the one from your screenshot), no matter what I do I can't get it to work :(

thanks! :D
by afecelis
Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:28 pm
Forum: Blender
Topic: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?
Replies: 5
Views: 17499

Re: Mesh emitter + ies light possible?

OK, I just changed it from blackbody to RGB and assigned the emitter to a separate light layer, and cranked its power to 1500, however, It's still not visible since the lighting in the other light layer is dimming it out. I tried setting the environment light layer to zero and then I can see the lam...
Search found 749 matches