Materials by category
Ceramic | 25 |
Gemstones | 26 |
Glass | 45 |
Leather | 12 |
Lights | 16 |
Liquids | 33 |
Metals | 68 |
Other | 109 |
Plastics | 42 |
Skin | 5 |
Special Paints | 31 |
Stone | 73 |
Textile | 45 |
Vegetation | 19 |
Wood | 96 |
Materials are uploaded by everyone and are available for free for Indigo users to share. There are 645 materials in 15 categories. Indigo users have voted 1111 times and found 621 favourite materials. How to use the materials.
All materials are Creative Commons Licensed and can be freely used in commercial work.
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Recent comments
maXemaeLean commented on Multi-coloured glass
over 3 years ago:
Sadly, this multi-coloured glass seems no longer to be 'multi-coloured'. (And I was sooo curious,...
Sadly, this multi-coloured glass seems no longer to be 'multi-coloured'. (And I was sooo curious,...
Jay-ko commented on Color changing BRDF - by OPĀ®
over 3 years ago:
How "color-changing-paint3.binary" have been built and how that work in Indigo?
How "color-changing-paint3.binary" have been built and how that work in Indigo?
maXemaeLean commented on Dichroic coated glass
over 3 years ago:
a nice and colourful effect-glass! (I got an '.igm parsing error' when trying to export this m...
a nice and colourful effect-glass! (I got an '.igm parsing error' when trying to export this m...
It's not the material of the gem, I don't know if it's the 3D The reason of software is that wha...