What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

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What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:41 am

Whats going on here! I wrote this tutorial on displacement mapping.Thought I had it down, it all worked fine.

http://www.indigorenderer.com/forum/vie ... 19&t=13109

I haven't done it for a while, so thought I would run through my tutorial to refresh my memory and it doesn't work. I've followed every step exactly, but I'm getting odd results. What am I doing wrong?

Setting up my mesh using the exact settings on the link above, changing the UV mapping in the material editor:
Displacement stays flat but simply moves the entire plane up. Why?:
Bump map adds curious artifacts. Why?:
What on earth am I getting wrong here?


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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by galinette » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:44 pm

The plane is only moving, because you are displacing a single polygon. You need subdivisions in order to make displacement work.

I don't know about the bump mapping artifacts
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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:19 am

Thats what I figured with the displacement, but I'm setting subdivisions in the mesh edit to 9 (as per the tutorial) so I assume its not that.

It used to work great, but now doesn't and I can't figure where I'm going wrong.

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Voytech » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:14 am

Bosseye wrote:Thats what I figured with the displacement, but I'm setting subdivisions in the mesh edit to 9 (as per the tutorial) so I assume its not that.

It used to work great, but now doesn't and I can't figure where I'm going wrong.
Split the surface into 4 in Sketchup. Subdivision should kick in then.

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Pibuz » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:53 am

...displacement has always been a little tricky in SkIndigo..

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by galinette » Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:09 am

Bosseye wrote:Thats what I figured with the displacement, but I'm setting subdivisions in the mesh edit to 9 (as per the tutorial) so I assume its not that.
OK, I had just seen "0" in max subdivisions in your screenshot
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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by d_aguirre78 » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:30 am

I've also been experiencing a lot of issues with Skindigo. Just when I thought I was getting the displacement down, all of a sudden it stopped working and now my renders are lacking that extra little umph to it. I think my issues arose when I was downloading an upgrade to Sketchup 2015... didn't finish doing it and stuck with Sketchup 8 due to things changing. Oh well. I think i'm gonna have to get Sketchup 2015 and hope it resolves my issue.


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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by d_aguirre78 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:03 am


Also another thing I noticed is that the displacement shows up fine on the preview window in Skindigo, but it does not transfer over to the actual Indigo Renderer.

Can you check to see if this is the case with you aswell?


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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:00 am

HI all,

I've switched to Sketchup Pro 2015 now and still no joy. Displacement still not working.

I've tried subdividing the face, but it still just moves the entire texture up rather than using the UV I've set in the active mesh. I'm still getting those weird artifacts if I try and use a bump map.

Daniel, my displacement does not appear to be showing up in the preview window either.

I'm also getting a large amount of Bugsplats when trying to assign a displacement or bump texture via the material editor.

Very frustrating seeing as I had the process working a while back and have absolutely no idea where I'm going wrong.

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Zom-B » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:11 am

Bosseye wrote:I've switched to Sketchup Pro 2015 now and still no joy. Displacement still not working.
I've tried subdividing the face, but it still just moves the entire texture up rather than using the UV I've set in the active mesh.
Try this:
Set material to diffuse but keep displacement
Render scene in Indigo
now select that material and check the ckeckbox "random triangle color"
Now you see the polygons that subdiv created, by selecting the mesh in the GUI you also can tweak and doubleckeck the subdiv settings on the fly, good for debugging...

if you could upload the igs scene, that could help checking for the issue

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:10 pm

Thanks for the reply. OK then:

Displacement added with subdivision 9, UV set 1. Entire plane is just shifted up. Triangle view also attached.
Displacement added with subdivision 9, using Sketchup for the UV set. Displacement appears to be working, but the entire plane is still shifting up (Steve is no longer stood on the lowest portion of the plane, its halfway up his legs again), albeit with some displacement evident. So this is not correct either surely? Also using SU as a UV set means I have no control over the way the displacement is applied
Ok, so lets try a bump map using UV set 1. Curious artifact.
Bump map with Sketchup as the UV. Works, but again I have no control.

Rarrrrrrghhhh. Just to clarify again, I wrote this tutorial: http://www.indigorenderer.com/forum/vie ... 19&t=13109

I know (at least I thought I did!) how to use UV sets, displacement and bump maps. I've followed my own tutorial precisely, but for whatever reason I'm getting erroneous results.

This is driving me crackers!
Last edited by Bosseye on Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Zom-B » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:17 pm

Bosseye wrote:but the entire plane is still shifting up, albeit with some displacement evident. So this is not correct either surely?
A good chance that this is very correct mate!
displacement does a full shift with a pure white pixel of the b setting, and a zero shift for pure black!
Does your texture have any pure black? usually not, since most displacement maps are centered around 128 RGB grey!

To use such a texture you need to adapt the displacement setting:

if you shift by lets sac 10cm (b=0.01) then you need to set c to -0.005 (half of b negative)

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:21 pm

OK, that makes sense for shifting the plane up.

Any thoughts on anything else? I've just run through my tutorial again, step by step and my displacement is simply shifting the entire plane rather than applying the UV.

Am I doing something wrong with the UV set up?

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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Zom-B » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:32 pm

another issue I found in your setup:

gamma needs to be 1.0 for displacement, same as for fresnel map, bump, exponent, blend...
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Re: What am I doing wrong here? (UV displacement)

Post by Bosseye » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:39 pm

Ok more testing:

Everything seems to work as required as long as I use Sketchup as the UV set.

Using Sketchup as the UV set:
Displacement seems to work ok, and is using the UV set I have applied in the active mesh.

The issues seem to stem from trying to use a different UV set, in this case set 1:
As you can see, no displacement is evident at all.

It must be user error, but what I don't know. Guess I'll just have to use the SU UV set!

EDIT: Just seen your Gamma comment - I've never ever changed this value (no idea what it does), 2.2 is presumably the default that SKindigo installs with?

Anyway, thanks for your help.

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