Yeah, Active shade works now in Max 2016 !! Awesome!
Not everything is updated real time though. For example when changing environment map parameters then Active shade stays the same. Have to restart it every time. Can this be fixed or is this a limitation?
Nice to see some life in Max land ! I can't figure out how to use activeshade. It doesn't let me to select Indigo as an activeshade renderer. Also the selection of GPU's is not stored. I have all my GPU's marked, but I keep geting an error message that i need to select a GPU for rendering. Using max...
Nice stuff, but haven't there been a lot of "3d inside the web-browser/html page" attempts already?
I remember a lot of similar projects being made. None of them have survived. What's so different about your project besides the Oculus support? Or is the Oculus the keyword here?
I've been rendering stereo panoramas with Octane and I have to say, that the extra dimention you get with VR headset is awesome. Looking around inside the 3d environment you've just created is strange and exciting at the same time. VR tech is still too young though. Not very comfortable to use. I ho...
Yeah it is! I've been doing lots of VR stuff, so talking to Nick more. I totally wish indigo had a awesome talkative again (like before we made it commercial). I'm just not sure how you'd make that happen. :) Cool. I thought you were gone forever. I also liked the "pre-commercial" era better. This ...