Texture Maps

Texture maps are a standard way of adding fine surface detail without adding more geometry. Indigo supports texture maps in many file formats, which are listed here.

An example Phong material with a wood texture applied.

Supported texture formats:

JPEG .JPG .JPEG Greyscale, RGB and CMYK are supported.
PNG .PNG Greyscale, greyscale with alpha, RGB and RGBA are supported. 8 bits per channel and 16 bits per channel supported.
Truevision Targa .TGA Greyscale (8 bits per pixel) and RGB (24 bits per pixel) are supported.
Windows Bitmap .BMP Greyscale (8 bits per pixel) and RGB (24 bits per pixel) are supported. Compressed BMP files are not supported.
OpenEXR .EXR 16 bits per channel and 32 bits per channel are supported.
TIFF .TIF .TIFF Greyscale, RGB, RGBA are supported. 8 bits per channel and 16 bits per channel supported.
GIF .GIF Supported. Gif animation is not supported.
RGBE .HDR Supported.

Additional options:

UV set index Index of the set of uv coordinates used for texture maps. Usually generated by your 3D modelling package.
Path Path to the texture map on disk. The path must either be absolute, or relative to the scene's working directory.
Gamma (exponent) Used for converting non-linear RGB values (e.g. sRGB) to linear intensity values. A typical value is 2.2, corresponding to the sRGB standard.